'Omnipresent' 2020/21
Solid-cast pewter and mixed media with an electroplated, true-copper coat. This skull has an archival seal-coat and will not tarnish. The nodules (little coral-like structures) you see are prickly, though not harmful when the sculpture is handled. These coral like growths happen/'grow' within the high voltage ion transferring bath that the skull is immersed in for 12-24 hours). Most of the lesser/less stable nodes have shed in the refinement process, although, handle with care. One-of-a-kind, through and through. Glass, quartz, copper, sea-shells (snail), vintage marbles, Tiger's eye and bone. Ocean alter piece or archaic, desktop guardian/talisman. Rooted and foundationally magical and rigorously detailed/refined. *For indoor display, though can go in a sunroom or in an enclosed patio.
Will be professionally packaged and insured.
Dimensions ~ 4” Deep x 3.50” Tall x 2.50” Wide